Witches’ Runes

a pentagram made from sticks with rose buds with a tea light alight at the centre


In the complex realm of divination methods and mystical symbolism, Witches’ Runes stand as a captivating and simple tool. Unlike the more widely recognised Elder Futhark Runes and ancient Irish Ogham alphabet, which have ancient historical roots, the Witches’ Runes are a more recent creation, born from the modern witchcraft and neo-pagan movements.

This blog post delves into the intriguing history of the Witches’ Runes, exploring their origins, development, symbols and meanings; and how they can be used in contemporary witchcraft and divination practices. Whilst some people refer to these symbols as ‘Witch’s Runes’ we prefer the plural witches to denote that they are a tool shared by many spiritual people, rather than being owned by one specific Pagan path.

The Origins of Witches’ Runes

Witches’ Runes in their current form as a divination tool emerged in the late 20th century, influenced by the revival of interest in paganism and occult practices. Unlike the traditional Norse runes, which date back to the early centuries of the Common Era, the Witches’ Runes were created to specifically cater to the needs and beliefs of modern witches and pagans.

The exact origins of the Witches’ Runes are somewhat shrouded in mystery, as there is no single definitive source or creator. However, as a collection of symbols to be used together, they are believed to have been influenced by various elements of European folklore, witchcraft traditions, and modern esoteric practices. Key figures in the neo-pagan and Wiccan movements, such as Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente, played a significant role in the resurgence of interest in such mystical tools, paving the way for the creation of the Witches’ Runes.

Susan Sheppard, in her 1998 book ‘Witch’s Runes How to make and use your own magickal stones’ suggests that the symbols that underpin the Witches’ Runes can be traced not only throughout Europe, but also across the globe, and similar motifs can be found on petroglyphs / stone carvings. She talks about the Indian travelling people, and their cultures, who used the symbols in their talismans and are likely the people who brought the symbols into Europe during the Middle Ages.

How many runes are in a Witches’ Runes set?

The Witches' Runes typically consist of a set of eight, ten, or thirteen symbols, each representing different aspects of life, nature, and spiritual principles. These symbols are often simpler in design than traditional runes and usually include representations of the Sun, Moon, Star, Crossroads, Man, Woman, Harvest, Waves, and other elemental and conceptual designs. Each symbol holds a specific meaning and is used for divination, meditation, and ritual purposes. We follow the 13 rune system as 13 is a mystical and magickal number that has meaning both throughout history, and in witchcraft - from the 13 lunar cycles in a year, to the traditional number of witches in a coven - and find that it offers the perfect balance of symbols in a Witches’ Rune set.

Over the years, the Witches' Runes have undergone various adaptations, with different practitioners adding their own interpretations and symbols. This evolution reflects the dynamic and personal nature of modern witchcraft, where tools and practices are often adapted to suit individual beliefs and needs. In this article we share our preferred rune symbols and interpretations, but encourage you to explore the Witches’ Runes to find what works best for you, adding in symbols and meanings that resonate with your practice if preferred.

How to use Witches’ Runes in divination and witch symbols in magickal practice

Using Witches’ Runes for Divination

Casting the Witches’ Runes: A common method of divination is to cast the runes onto a cloth or a flat surface. Focus on a question or situation, then scatter the runes. Pay attention to which runes are face up, their positions, and their relationships to each other.

Single Rune Draw: For a quick insight or daily guidance, draw a single rune from your bag. Reflect on the symbol's meaning and how it relates to your current circumstances or query.

Witches’ Rune Spreads: Like tarot card spreads, rune spreads involve laying out runes in a specific pattern. Each position in the pattern corresponds to a different aspect of the question or situation. Popular spreads include the Three Rune Spread (representing past, present, and future) and the Five Rune Cross (offering a more detailed insight).

Incorporating Witches’ Runes into magickal rituals

Rune-Charged Candles: Carve a specific rune into a candle to draw in the energy of that symbol. For example, a Sun rune for success and vitality or a Harvest rune for abundance. As the candle burns, it releases the rune's energy.

Rune Grids for Manifestation: Arrange runes in a grid to create a focused energy pattern. This can be used for specific intentions, like protection or love. Place corresponding crystals on each rune to amplify the energy.

Protection and Warding: Use runes as protective symbols around your home. Draw them on doors, windows, or use them in protection sachets.

Meditation and Visualisation: Focus on a rune during meditation, visualising its energy surrounding and infusing you with its qualities. This can be a powerful practice for personal empowerment and spiritual growth.

Creating Witches’ Rune Amulets: Craft an amulet with a specific rune for carrying its energy with you. This could be in the form of a small pouch with a rune drawn on it, a clay tablet engraved with a rune, or a painted stone.

Witches’ Rune meanings

Below we share our preferred rune symbols and interpretations, but encourage you to explore the Witches’ Runes to find what works best for you, adding in symbols and meanings that resonate with your practice if preferred.


Planet: SATURN | Sign: CAPRICORN | Element: EARTH | Answer: NO

A difficult time of challenge lies ahead. You may find yourself drawn into arguments or misunderstandings with loved ones, feel trapped in a situation, or that enemies are blocking your way.

Making progress and resolving problems will still happen, but it may be slow-going. Maintain your focus and energy to overcome the present circumstances.

Seek the wisdom of elders, and use this time to reflect on your strengths. Use this knowledge to overcome obstacles to find new solutions, and to choose the best path or way forward.


Planet: X | Sign: YOURS | Element: ALL ELEMENTS | Answer: YES

The rune of destiny, of pure magic and the heart of all things. The power and clarity of your third eye is awakened at this time. Use it wisely, and trust the information that it gives you.

Now is the time to stand alone, and make the decisions that will lead you to take the first steps on the path of your fate. The radiance that shines from you will attract both those who would stand in your way, and a deep soul connection. Keep up your guard and protection.

Act with honour, and integrity to see your dreams, passions and goals fulfilled. Be one with your magic.

Eye Witches' Rune

Flight Witches Rune


Planet: MERCURY | Sign: GEMINI | Element: AIR | Answer: YES

Now is the time to be uplifted, break free of what holds you down, and overcome any obstacles that have prevented you from moving forward.

Communication, both in the physical world and a higher spiritual level, is possible and news will come that may change your direction in life, or plans that you have already made.

Suddenly things will become clear, and air travel can be indicated, as can news via email, online or by mail that brings surprises or guidance. Listen closely to your guides at this time.


Planet: JUPITER | Sign: SAGITTARIUS | Element: FIRE | Answer: YES

A joyous, happy and most positive rune indicating great fortune and protection. Luck abounds, as do new opportunities in love and financial matters. Seeds that you planted some time ago, and have worked hard to nurture will come to fruition - it is time to reap the rewards for all you have worked for.

New people, directions and paths are waiting, and they offer favourable outcomes, and a possible soul mate connection.

Doors open at this time, new ventures will bring success, and dreams can come true.

Harvest Witches' Rune

Man Witches' Rune


Planet: MARS | Sign: ARIES | Element: FIRE | Answer: YES

The powerful rune of the warrior, indicating strength, force or opposition. When this rune is drawn, things can move much more quickly than expected. You may feel pushed into action, but you should avoid hesitation and react with speed to achieve the best outcome.

A boy or a man could feature strongly at this time, and the rune can represent traditional authority, uniformed services or the military.

When drawn in a reading, the position energises the surrounding runes, but it can also warn of opposition or challenge.


Planet: MOON | Sign: cancer | Element: WATER | Answer: NO

Now is the time to trust your intuition, and use the experience that you have gained to find the way forward. Be open to finding new solutions to problems or challenges that stand in your way.

Home, hearth and family, both those living and departed, are strongly indicated. Secrets may come to light, and things will move swiftly when this rune is drawn.

Be patient, and calm, listen to your dreams and seek guidance from a woman who may be able to help.

Moon Witches' Rune

Rings Witches' Rune


Planet: CHIRON | Sign: VIRGO | Element: EARTH | Answer: YES

This rune signifies bonds, between romantic partners and soul mates, and joining together to form a new plan or venture together.

Agreements and joint interests will be made, and celebrations and gatherings with others arranged. This could include a marriage, a legal contract or a new business venture.

The runes around the Rings can also signify the ending of bonds and agreements, so look carefully at the placement. It also warns of false and superficial connections that could form bonds too deeply, and too quickly.


Planet: MARS/VENUS | Sign: ARIES/LIBRA | Element: FIRE/AIR | Answer: NO

The rune of the heart, and powerful irresistible desire that can sweep you off your feet. Luck is indicated, as are forces beyond your control that can lead to new relationships of love, passion, desire and friendship.

This rune brings good fortune that can overrule the head, so use this energy with caution and with the best of intentions. The strength of this energy can also lead to tearing down the old to chase the new, so consider wisely before you act.

Exciting times lay ahead, if you harness the opportunity with consideration.

Romance Witche's Rune

Scythe Witches' Rune


Planet: PLUTO | Sign: SCORPIO | Element: WATER | Answer: NO

The rune of endings, scythe, foretells of cutting away the past, letting go of that which no longer serves you, and severing ties. All things must end for new beginnings to be possible, although this can be hard to accept if you fight against or fear the change.

Loss can be painful or hard to bear, but you will gain the chance for renewal once this cycle comes to an end.

The supernatural is indicated, as are ghosts and connections with those beyond the veil. Seek guidance from ancestors, and find peace and wisdom in the turning of the wheel.


Planet: Uranus | Sign: AQUARIUS| Element: AIR | Answer: YES

A most magical rune that indicates that a dream or long held wish is about to be realised. A spiritual energy will shine down upon you bringing joy, success and the manifestation of a goal.

A time of transformation, and the rune can foretell the rebirth of a phoenix from the ashes of struggles endured. Money and gifts may appear, and synchronicity may lead you to places and people that will take your life in a new and positive direction.

Your guides and intuition are easy to access at this time, and it is a wonderful time to start a new venture.

Star Witches' Rune

Sun Witches' Rune


Planet: SUN | Sign: LEO | Element: FIRE | Answer: YES

The dawn of a new powerful light, of warmth, security, healing and a new direction. Wealth and riches are indicated, and an elevation of status. Both physical and mental health will improve.

The golden glow of the sun shines bright for new opportunities, events, celebrations and the gathering of people.

Help and support is indicated from a person of status, so make hay whilst the rays of the sun sparkle upon you, and embrace the moment.


Planet: NEPTUNE | Sign: PISCES | Element: WATER | Answer: NO

The waves rune is a symbol of both great creativity and potential confusion. The flow of water offers great success in creative projects, whilst a turbulent tide can feel overwhelming and carry you away.

The ebb and flow of this energy can cause issues to end without resolution, as they simply fade and wash away. Secrets can also hide beneath the waves. To gain success at this time, follow your intuition and act wisely to channel the flow to your will.

Long trips are also indicated, especially across water.

Waves Witches' Rune


Planet: VENUS | Sign: TAURUS | Element: EARTH | Answer: NO

A powerful rune of healing, love and living in harmony with the cycles of nature, of healing, and growth.

A fertile blossoming is indicated, relating to a new project, direction in life or pregnancy. Women or the wisdom of a mother, daughter, aunt, sister, wife or female friend will help you find peace, security and comfort. A feeling of safety, home, and nurture that will help you find your place in the world.

This is not a time of fast and turbulent change, but instead of gentle and calm waves bringing wisdom and stability.

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